Inner Navigation + (Dis)Integration Guidance

Inner Navigation + (Dis)Integration Guidance provides you with tools to navigate the Dark and Light.

Are you on a path of spiritual awakening and trying to make sense of the process as you cope with new levels of sensitivity and awareness?
Have you been engaging in plant medicines and psychedelics, and feel like you’ve either blown yourself wide open or can’t find an opening to their potential?
Do you notice life changes, preferences, and circumstances unfolding so quickly you can hardly keep pace?
Gain awareness and tools to map out your journey, unravel your old life, recalibrate your system, and create anew.
The map is not the territory, yet every distant journey needs one.

Gain Awareness, Skills, and Tools.
Navigate the inner and eternal mystery that is you.

Know Thyself…
Then let it all go.

Surrender into Life.
Let go of what you know so you can listen for what calls to your Soul.
1-Hour Session: $120-$250
1.5-Hours Session: $180-$375
$600 – $1,200
Pay-in-Full for mix and match 6-hours of session time to use within 3-months
INNER NAVIGATION dives below the surface of life, into the mystery that is you. We slow down to orient your internal compass, find your place within the spiral of awakening, and provide you with a sense of direction no matter what life presents.
As you step over the threshold into higher levels of awakening, you likely find that you are more sensitive to external inputs which can lead to a sense of overwhelm. Additional tools are necessary to refine heightened extra-sensory capabilities into an accurate gauge of intuition.
Our sessions will focus on expanding awareness, within and beyond your body vessels, to observe habit patterns and disrupt them with clarity and precision so your actions are purposefully aligned with your emerging values and vision.
You will practice receiving non-ordinary ways of knowing, beyond the cognitive and rational mind, while discerning right action for your life right now.
In doing so, it is possible to allow the structures of ego to take a back seat to a larger perspective and live in a manner guided by spirit.
We will use psycho-spiritual, somatic, emotional methods along with energywork and maps of consciousness to help guide the process. Your specific needs will be taken to account for how our sessions unfold.
Each session lasts between 1-1.5 hours. For longer sessions, consider a Half-Day or Full-Day Embodied Soul Journey Intensive.
Each Session typically includes:
- Psycho-Spiritual Tools and Maps
- Somatic-Emotional Processing
- Energywork
- Guided Exercises
- Reflective Guidance

(DIS)INTEGRATION COACHING acknowledges that the full cycle of our creative process necessarily involves multiple phases and incremental movements through three universal energies: Create, Sustain, Destroy.
Carl Jung referred to the process of moving from Ego to Soul as individuation. Joseph Campbell utilized the concept of the mono myth and the Hero’s Journey to illustrate this process. Various esoteric maps of consciousness, such as the Medicine Wheel or Astrological Houses, point to symbolic qualities that one must confront to move through cycles of change and transformation.
In the modern western psychologically-oriented psychedelic therapy movement, integration is emphasized as the primary factor for long-term success. Yet, we cannot assimilate more into the structure of our life and truly come into the wholeness of our Self without also significantly letting go… disintegration.
With a solid foundation of Inner Navigation skills in place, you can confront yourself and your life with a greater sense of awareness, skillfulness, and truth that allows you to enter into a state of revered surrender, sacrifice what’s comfortable for what’s evolutionary, and take right action with humility and confidence.
We will probe beneath the surface of your life journey to expose the raw and naked truth, and hold your in loving accountability to choose accordingly.
During this process, expect to confront your greatest fears and dreams along with the discomfort that will inevitably arise. You will witness your defensive and protective strategies, feel your vulnerability, and allow yourself to be witnessed and held in a safe container as you move through these challenges and shadows to develop an expanded capacity for genuine transmutation.
These sessions are intended for people who are undergoing or intend to undergo radical life changes. This is for the brave hearts who are willing to jump into the alchemy of change with both feet. Expect to alter your life, not only your consciousness.
We will use psycho-spiritual, somatic, emotional methods along with energywork and maps of consciousness to help guide the process. Your specific needs will be taken to account for how our sessions unfold.
Each session lasts between 1-1.5 hours. For longer sessions, consider a Half-Day or Full-Day Embodied Soul Journey Intensive.
Each Session typically includes:
- Psycho-Spiritual Tools and Maps
- Somatic-Emotional Processing
- Energywork
- Guided Exercises
- Reflective Guidance

With a bountiful medicine bag, we will co-create an experience for You.
Soma-Sensory Process
Sensual Explorations
Shadow/Light Work
Emotional Healing
Parts Work
Expressive Arts
Authentic Relating
Energy Work
Sound Healing
Active Meditation
Guided Journeys
Shamanic Technologies
Ritual & Ceremony
Sacred Medicines